Monday, June 19, 2006

Limestone Coast 2: Windward Point

Hiking out toward Windward point on the East side of Anguilla. There we find more wonderful rock formations, old coral and strange little creatures in places that otherwise look quite desolate. This reddish material kept popping up, along with long slabs of rock like this one that must have been forced up by some kind of geological pressure.

The side of windward point that faces south gets battered by waves. One finds fish, snails, crabs and other marine aliens in the nooks and crannies of this sharp landscape.

The gnashing seawater that rolls over the sharp rock looks kind of like a big salty cappuccino. I said I'd find one on Anguilla for you, right R?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the pictures of the Limestone Coast. Can you post some more? Any way that you could post slightly larger pix (or at least link to slightly larger pix) so some of them could be used as desktop images? The colors and detail on some of them are gorgeous.