Friday, June 09, 2006

Ladders to Cavemen

These are views down into and up from from "The Fountain"-- a cave in AXA. There's no way to describe how immense it was- but if you look closely in the second picture (which only shows the top half of the descent), you can grasp the height by observing how small the rungs in the ladder look. The roots come through rock one foot thick, and stretch 40 feet straight down to find water and soil in a cave I can only describe as feeling as big and open as my high school basketball gym.

This is one of the Amerindian petroglyphs, created a long long time ago. Do you see the guy's face?

This one below is of a god figure called Cap Juluca I think, although it reminds me of a Munch painting

Just a really cool drip formation. Bigger than a breadbox, smaller than a rotweiler. A stalagtite-ite?

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