Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Patty and David

Patty and David are my first visitors! They came in on the catamaran Scoobi doo from St. Martin (the hilly island in the background). We're at Smokey's on Cove Bay.

Anguilla boats

AXA boats have huge mainsails, no permanent ballast, and have 28 foot long wood hulls. Crews of around 15 are common, and lots of removable iron plates and bricks rest in the bottom to balance. Here they are exiting Road Bay heading west during the 2006 AXA regatta.

Viking(ships) in the Caribbean

A viking ship in St. Martin. This thing definately stood out in the harbor. Rumor has it some guy sailed it over as a publicity stunt long ago.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Channel sunset

The sunset view on the ferry from St. Martin to AXA. This was the 6:00 ferry, and the last one leaves at 7pm.

My Car

My car on AXA. A '92 Ford Explorer, the first year they made them. Pictured here with half kayak rack, power (front) windows, in Johnno's parking lot. A happening place to be on Friday night!

View from work

This is my view west from work, out the double doors of the ASA building. The lovely, white-sand beach is Road Bay at Sandy Ground, Anguilla. There are around twenty sailboats and as many fishing boats moored out there currently, and the waves are low and slow. I've seen Tarpon and Sea turtles in the bay, and someone saw a ten-foot shark last week!
I live, for now, about a hundred yards east, inbetween the ocean and the old salt pond. On the right, in the photo, is NWO-- one of the local racing Anguilla boats. I haven't been out on them yet, but I hope to soon, as most of them are located here in Sandy Ground. More to come!